Questions Welcomed

29 11 2007

So, I like to hear the sound of my own voice – it figures that it would translate that I like to see my words in print (online, whatever).  I don’t purport to be an expert on anything Bar related, but I am more than happy to share my experience and answer questions.  So, for my first answer to a question asked . . . .

Q: When did Bar/Bri or PMBR start?

A: I didn’t take the PMBR class (I self-studied with MicroMash), but I do know that the 6-day class for PMBR began the Monday after I graduated from law school, so that would be May 21st.  The Bar/Bri course started May 29th. 

I graduated from a school in Texas, but was already living in Colorado.  I flew home for a quick weekend for graduation and then was back by the PMBR start date.   I had already decided though, not to take the PMBR class.  I had heard from friends who had taken the February Texas Bar and PMBR and didn’t have many good things to say about it.  I researched the alternatives and decided to go with MicroMash (if you complete the program they guarantee you will pass or else you get a free update so you can study again without having to buy another bar review).  And, I’d have to say that I was really pleased with the MBE prep.  I was able to study at my own pace and online.  The software was easy to navigate and had excellent study guides and explanations for the answers (why it was right, why it was wrong).  The program focuses on your weak areas (in my case Torts, blech) so that you are optimizing your study time.  My MBE was really low at the Bar/Bri practice exam (99/200 correct raw) and my scaled score ended up being 143 on the actual test.  So, I feel like it helped . . . at least a little bit because I totally revved up my MBE study after that.

Hope this helps!  Good luck and keep the questions coming! 



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